Friday, 14 January 2011

Summary of Questionnaires

From the questionniare results it is clear to see what people like seeing in music videos and what is less popular.
Only one person favoured Performance to Narrative, yet 2 people said they like seeing both. This means that in our music video, we wont put in performance, but have narrative. From the questionnaires we can see that common favoured themes were Love and Everyday Life. We have storyboarded a lovestory, hoping to please our viewers. There was a mixed preferance to Actors or Artists being in the music video, but 3/6 people said both. 5 people said they did not like animation in music videos, where as only 1 said they do. Due to this result we have decided not to use animation. Green screening was popular when asked about effects, where as CGI was not. 2/6 people said they like black and white so we may add a small section of black and white in our music video.

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